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Where to find cannabis in Ibiza

You’ve heard that Spanish laws on cannabis are more permissive than in Italy and you’re about to fly there to check by yourself? You packed, chose your destination, booked the ticket and you’re ready to leave for Ibiza. I suggest you to read this guide to be fully prepared and to avoid bad surprised. If you are travelling without asking yourself where to find cannabis in Ibiza, you risk being disappointed and finding yourself in unpleasant situations. We looked for all the information available online and if you just spend some time reading through, you’ll leave prepared.

Before asking yourself where to find cannabis in Ibiza you need to know some practical and important legal information.

Legal information

If you think you will find the same freedom in Ibiza and Amsterdam, you’re wrong! Spanish law allows domestic cultivation and personal use of cannabis. Be careful though: this must happen indoor. For example, open air cultivation on a balcony is forbidden, just as it’s forbidden to smoke openly in public. Moreover, Spanish police often checks the people so you need to be extra careful! However, Social Clubs were born to make best use of the possibility of cultivating cannabis privately. These are clubs reserved to consumers where you can buy and consume cannabis. Finding cannabis in Ibiza does not seem a problem but you need to be careful because what you buy in the club can only be consumed inside. In fact, if you’re caught in the street with cannabis on you, even if legal, you will have to pay a fine.

How to enter a Social Club

Now that you know about Social clubs where you can find cannabis in Ibiza, you need to understand how to gain access and it’s not that easy. Given that these clubs were born exploiting a legal grey zone, they are tolerated by the police as long as you don’t create problems. This means that most of the clubs have very strict access rules and entrance is not automatic. These are private clubs with a reserved access for their members. To become a member you need to respect the following:

  • You need to be 18 or 21 and hold a valid ID
  • Have the permanent address in Ibiza

Although it sounds impossible, there is still a way to win over the strict rules of these social clubs. There are two main ways to gain access:

  • Be recommended by a local member.

If you know anyone living in Ibiza who is a member in one of the Social Clubs in the island, you’re set. You can ask to be invited and you’re done. Most of the clubs in fact accept new members upon recommendation by an existing member. It’s a system that helps selecting temporary clients to protect the members.

  • Get in touch in advance with the clubs to request membership

If you still don’t know anyone in Ibiza, you can always try to directly get in touch with the clubs to request access. Some of the clubs allow this by using their website or by calling. I suggest you to call and explain your reasons to request access as a member. Be king, understanding and do no talk about prices or products. They could require a copy of your ID as part of the process and they could ask you to pay a membership fee. It’s worth paying it to gain access to the club. You can proceed on the clubs’ websites or use the tool of that offers the possibility to request access to all the adhering clubs.

The best Social Clubs in Ibiza

What are the best social clubs to find cannabis in Ibiza? The information online are not much, especially for the nature of these places. We found online the most known social clubs in Ibiza and made a list for you:

Avenida Sant Josep de Sa Talaia, 16, Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain, 07800

It’s located close to the heart of the old city and apart from a good variety of weed it offers great food and drinks. On their website you can request access and if you are accepted you can enjoy an amazing atmosphere and company.

Excellent cannabis club located in the centre of Ibiza, close to the touristic zone and the Eivissa port. They do not accept new members unless they have been contacted in advance, so do not go there before getting in touch with them!

  • Bloom Ibiza:

One of the best clubs in Ibiza, they have a vast choice of cannabis and a relaxed atmosphere. However they do not grant access easily.

Located in the middle of the island, close to the sea, this club offers the possibility to get in touch with them through their website to obtain the access card. It’s worth trying filling in the form on their website to access their club!

Getting in touch with these Social Clubs is no easy thing. Sometimes even the address is a piece of information reserved to the members only! You need to play the same game, be respectful and show interest, ready to accept any requests. Remember that it’s normal to be requested to show an ID and to pay a membership fee given the nature of their activity.

Port and central streets

If you don’t want to look for a Social Club close to your needs, remember that it’s never hard to find cannabis in Ibiza! The central streets and the port side are full of tourists and you can find pushers everywhere. You will be surprised of how much you could buy very easily. Even if you’ll find pills more easily to buy in the streets, cannabis is not going to be hard either. However, I have to warn you that even if it’s easy it’s not safe! First of all you have no quality check on what you are buying and you could also be stopped by the police. As I mentioned already, possessing or consuming cannabis outside is illegal all over Spain. Are you sure you want to risk it?

Taking cannabis on the plane

If instead you’re thinking of taking cannabis from Italy to avoid all these issues, don’t do it! Airport checks are very accurate and you could experience an unpleasant situation.

After reading where to find cannabis in Ibiza you are ready to take off. Choose your method based on your needs but remember that if you decide to purchase in the streets breaching the law you will run risks. I suggest you to spend some time and get in touch with one of the amazing Social Clubs where you will enjoy your cannabis with no stress.

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