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Allowed THC value

Many people who approach the use of hemp-derived products remain baffled by the debate around whether or not to use such products. Especially with regards to the possible habituation of the body to some substances contained in the aforementioned plant. While the sale of products containing CBD is legal, the question arises as to what THC value is allowed. In fact, CBD is a natural chemical compound found inside hemp inflorescences, and unlike THC, it is not psychoactive.

This happens because the two substances interact differently on the body through the receptors of the nervous system. The products on the market today have a high concentration of CBD and a THC component so low that it is not dangerous for health. It is very important to know the difference between CBD and THC because the former is completely legal even if it is improperly associated with marijuana. CBD does not alter mental faculties and even inhibits the psychotropic effect induced by THC.

Differences between CBD and THC

Law 242 of 2 December 2016 specifies the THC value allowed in marketable products. This law is designed to promote the hemp cultivation chain for the purposes:

  • To develop integrated territorial supply chains that pursue local integration and real economic and environmental sustainability
  • To encourage the use and final consumption of semi-finished hemp products coming from primarily local supply chains
  • To produce foods, cosmetics, biodegradable raw materials and innovative semi-finished products for industries in different sectors

Considering the fact that, in botany, cases of spontaneous hybridization of plants are frequent, the law has appropriately provided for a sort of tolerance. Therefore there is a margin in favor of the grower if some CBD products contain traces of THC. In fact, the permitted THC value is set by law in a range between 0.2 and 0.6%. Within this value are all the products on the market today based on hemp sativa, be they cosmetics or foodstuffs.

What THC-based products are allowed

CBD is used in the production of a very wide range of products. Among these stand out foods and drinks, healing and beauty creams, and even essential oils, some of which are also suitable for animals. In every product that can be purchased in physical stores or online shops, the permitted THC value is within the legal limits, therefore safe for health. On the market, CBD can be found in the form of oil, extract or crystals that can be inhaled via piezoelectric combustion.

It can also be contained in cosmetic creams, cleansing milk, gels, ointments and even lip protectors. It can also be contained in drinks, such as herbal teas, mixed in a variety of flavors with other healing plants. In the latter case it is a simple product to use and particularly suitable for the management of sleep, anxiety and fatigue. Helps the body stay healthy by preventing the onset of diseases. In some shops it is also possible to find food products in which CBD is mixed with flours.

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