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Which CBD oil to buy

Which CBD oil to buy

Which CBD oil to buy

Undoubtedly CBD oil is the most popular way to take the substance derived from hemp sativa. In fact, the main difference between the various cannabidiol-based products consists in the method of intake which basically involves:

  • CBD oil
  • CBD crystals
  • CBD in liquid form for electronic cigarettes
  • CBD capsules
  • Cosmetic-based CBD

Since oil is the most widespread method, due to its effectiveness, let’s try to understand which CBD oil to buy. The oil is taken through drops that are applied directly under the tongue. The area under the tongue is in fact highly vascularized. In this way the oil drops allow the CBD to pass directly into the blood. Since CBD does not decrease its functions during the digestive phase, the effects are immediate and long-lasting.

The properties of CBD

To know which CBD oil to buy, you must first choose the percentage of active ingredient you want to take. There are oil drops on the market with 5, 15, 20, 30 and 40% concentration. A bottle of oil usually contains 300 drops. It is advisable to always start with the lowest percentage of cannabinoids, to gradually accustom the body to this substance.

It is also preferable to rely on organic processing of the plant and on well-known and certified manufacturing companies. The absorption of CBD varies greatly from individual to individual, especially in relation to their weight and body size. The average recommended quantities are designed for an adult individual weighing approximately 60-90 kg.

Cannabidiol is able to interact with the receptor cells of the human nervous system causing relaxing, anticonvulsant, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It promotes sleep and is very useful against anxiety and panic. CBD oil is also rich in Omega 3 and 6 and helps regulate the metabolism and its physiological processes. Let’s now see which CBD oil to buy.

How to use CBD oil

Once you have discovered which CBD oil to buy, you need to understand how many drops to administer. Below is a brief indicative guide, although not exhaustive:

  • For minor problems and if you want a preventive action and harmonization of the body’s functions. It is best to take 5 drops of 20% CBD oil in the morning and 5 drops in the evening. Alternatively, use 3 drops of 30% oil in the morning and 3 drops in the evening;
  • For situations related to stress, anxiety or tension, a more concentrated intake during the day is recommended. Therefore 3 drops of 30% oil to be taken in the morning, afternoon and evening;
  • However, in the case of chronic pathologies or those causing severe pain, a higher concentration is preferable. Therefore, a two-step process is recommended. The first one involves taking 5 drops of 30% oil in the morning, afternoon and evening. After seven days increase the treatment to 7 drops of 30% oil three times a day.

Naturally these are general indications and it is always better to be followed by a doctor in case you have strong symptoms.

CBD legal sale

CBD legal sale

CBD legal sale

Law n° 242 of 2016 introduced a series of legislative measures in Italy in favor of the cultivation of the entire Cannabis Sativa supply chain. Cannabis Sativa, in today’s taxonomy, is also defined as useful hemp. The content of secondary metabolites determines the taxonomy of this particular botanical variety, distinguishing two subgroups within it:

  • The one called CBD characterized by the presence of the CBD-A enzyme, which distinguishes hemp intended for agro-industrial and therapeutic uses;
  • The one called THC, characterized by the THC-A enzyme, typical of varieties intended to produce inflorescences and medicines.

The legislation does not explicitly provide for the sale of derived products but only for their cultivation. To obtain CBD for legal sale it must be considered that the same law provides for the uses of sativa hemp only in the field of:

  • Food and cosmetics produced exclusively in compliance with the disciplines of the respective sectors.

The legislation provides for a margin of tolerance for the possible spontaneous presence of THC of between 0.2 and 0.6%.

Is it legal to sell CBD?

Within the law n° 242 of 2016 does not expressly mention the aspect linked to marketing, but only that of cultivation. Therefore the jurisprudence has therefore pronounced itself several times with conflicting opinions on the fact of CBD legal sale. A ruling from the Supreme Court appears to have established that the sale of processed Cannabis Sativa products is legal, as long as it is within the percentages mentioned therein.

That is, between 0.2 and 0.6%. It is therefore possible to sell many CBD-based products, obtaining the simple authorizations required for common commercial activities. With CBD legal sales you can offer to purchase:

  • CBD inflorescences in the form of perfume especially for environments;
  • CBD oil, containing the entire active ingredient in different percentages and usable in the medical field;
  • CBD cosmetics, in the form of cream for the hands or for the skin in general, for the lips;
  • Products for animals, which also take the form of foods such as specific biscuits.

Where to buy CBD legally

As mentioned, since CBD for sale is legal in certain respects and under certain conditions, it is possible to purchase it in various commercial establishments in Italy. First of all the specialized shops, both physical and online, which offer all types of products permitted by law.

Secondly, they can also be found in some parapharmacies, as CBD-based products do not require a medical prescription. In the same way they can also be present in some herbalist shops, or in organic shops. Or even in some coffee shops inspired by Northern European models. As mentioned, products containing CBD are permitted within the percentage threshold established between 0.2 and 0.6%.

Therefore their use is considered legal and safe. Studies have shown numerous beneficial effects for the human body with the use of CBD. Especially at an anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and antidepressant level, with actual benefits following their application. This is because the endocannabinoid system is present in the human body itself and naturally provides the same responses as cannabis sativa derivatives. A completely natural response.


Can I grow CBD at home?

Can I grow CBD at home?

Can I grow CBD at home?

Growing hemp in Italy is illegal. Unless they are sativa variety plants, listed among those present in the European Seed Register, drawn up by the European Union. The varieties of sativa hemp permitted by law have very specific characteristics. The main one is that the active ingredient of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) present in the plant must be less than 0.6%.

Likewise, products derived from it must not contain THC higher than 0.2%. These are therefore the basic conditions for the question of whether I can grow CBD at home. If you grow a hemp plant with inflorescences containing THC higher than 0.5% you are committing a crime. According to the circular from the Ministry of the Interior dated 31 July 2018, in that case, narcotic substances are being cultivated to all intents and purposes. Therefore the cultivation of the plant is illegal.

What the Law says

The law establishes which varieties are permitted and defines the obligation to communicate the crop to the Carabinieri barracks or Forestry Corps to which one belongs. The communication is not used to obtain a specific permit, but allows the police to know the crops started in their territory and monitor their progress. To know if I can grow CBD at home you need to know that:

  • When growing hemp for personal purposes, that is, in your own home, you must pay attention to the variety of the plant. And the active ingredients contained within it. Otherwise you may risk becoming an offensive grower;
  • Cultivating hemp in Italy is offensive when narcotic substances can be obtained from the plants, even if they have not reached maturity.

This is because the legal good protected by the law is public health. Therefore, according to the law, the offensiveness of cultivation refers to the botanical type of cannabis in question. That is to say whether the plant has or does not have the qualities to be able to produce narcotic substances. So if you are still wondering if I can grow CBD at home we advise you to be very careful. The offensiveness of the cultivation occurs regardless of the extractable doses. It is sufficient that the plant contains doping active ingredients and can produce doping substances. Thus, the crime of cultivation of narcotic substances is triggered regardless of the quantity of active ingredient that can be obtained immediately. The conformity of the plant to the expected botanical type is sufficient to produce narcotic substances.

What sanctions and penalties are at risk

As an answer to the question of whether I can grow CBD at home we inform you about the criminal consequences of this practice. If you grow non-sativa cannabis, considered offensive to public health, you are punished with two types of penalties.

CBD authorized sale

CBD authorized sale

CBD authorized sale

In Italy it is possible to trade only products derived from hemp sativa, which have a low THC content. Sativa variety plants are instead rich in percentages of CBD, in fact this active ingredient is not considered harmful to health. On 1 October 2020, the then Ministry of Health issued a decree in which it includes compositions for oral administration of cannabidiol.

However, it is thanks to the ruling of 19 November 2020 of the Court of Justice that the possibility of marketing CBD and its derivatives is clarified. This provision is valid throughout the European territory without limitations. Therefore, authorized CBD sales have become fully legal.

The main properties of CBD

Finally, now that authorized CBD sales have become legal, many products with high therapeutic use can be purchased. In fact, CBD is very effective due to its properties such as:

  • Anti-inflammatory. This is certainly one of its most famous properties. CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory both generally and topically;
  • Painkiller. In addition to inflammation, CBD effectively treats various types of pain such as headaches, back pain and arthritis; Therefore it is useful not only for occasional pain but also for chronic and severe pain;
  • Anticonvulsant. CBD has been found to be very effective in treating seizures as it reduces their duration and intensity;
  • Antidepressant. CBD can treat anxiety, stress and depression as it affects the production of serotonin. It also acts as an inhibitor on other brain mechanisms that help restore good mood;
  • Antiemetic. CBD  has the ability to ease nausea and vomiting. In some cases, it is used to relieve the symptoms of chemotherapy.
  • Antiseptic. The use of CBD is very effective against bacteria, especially when applied to the skin topically;
  • Antipsychotic. CBD is also effective in the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, because it reduces psychosis and other mental disorders.

With authorized CBD sales it will now be possible to purchase all the products necessary for these treatments without fear.

In which forms to buy CBD

Once CBD has been authorized for sale, it will be possible to purchase it in many stores, both physical and online. It will also be possible to drink it in places in the form of herbal teas, coffee or biscuits. CBD is mainly taken in the following forms and methods:

  • In percentages of active ingredient varying within a range between 5 and 40% depending on need. The method of administration is in the form of sublingual drops, holding them for a couple of seconds before swallowing. This ensures rapid penetration into the blood circulation and its rapid effect;
  • In this form the CBD content is 99% pure. Their use mainly occurs through vaporization and subsequent inhalation or aspiration. One of the most popular ways is via electronic cigarette;
  • Definitely the most discreet and practical way to ingest the pre-measured quantity of CBD.

In whatever form you choose to take CBD, it is good practice to rely on serious sellers with proven experience in the sector.

Which CBD to choose

Which CBD to choose

Which CBD to choose

There are various ways to take cannabidiol and there is no one better than others. It depends on our tastes and what makes us feel better. Therefore it is not so easy to decide which CBD to choose. For example, to benefit from an immediate effect it is recommended to vaporize the inflorescences, in this way the active ingredients of the cannabinoids quickly enter the circulation. The legal hemp inflorescences have a variable percentage of CBD and an almost zero THC content, always respecting the legal limits.

You need to vaporize the buds with a dry herb vaporizer. In this way it will be possible to extract all the cannabinoids and terpenes without burning them. Through this method of intake there is an immediate effect, because the active ingredients immediately enter into circulation in the blood.

Other ways to take CBD

Knowing which CBD to choose must bear in mind that it is also possible to take CBD through crystals, which are a conglomerate of already processed active ingredient. The quality of the cannabidiol crystals is very high since once extracted they are processed until they reach a purity of 99%. In the remaining 1% there are other natural substances that serve to give the crystal the typical flavor of a hemp extract. Crystals can be:

  • Taken with a dry herb vaporizer, this way there will be no combustion in the taking process;
  • Or they can be dissolved directly under the tongue and waited for them to take effect.

As regards the dosage, here too it is advisable to proceed gradually with 2-3 granules morning and evening, and then increase if necessary. When deciding which CBD to choose, you must also consider the presence of other semi-finished products such as wax and crumble, extracted from the flowers thanks to carbon dioxide.

Wax has a CBD percentage of 40% while crumble reaches up to 80%. In addition to CBD they also contain all the other natural properties of flowers. They are used by vaporizing them at 2000 and inhaling them or by letting them dissolve directly under the tongue, like oil.

Other ways to take it

The question about which CBD to choose does not end here. There are CBD capsules, usually based on non-animal gelatin, which are much more practical and discreet. Especially suitable when traveling, they avoid the typical bitter aftertaste of oil. Then there are cosmetic creams, which have a topical effect and are particularly suitable for soothing rheumatic inflammation, acne, joint pain. Furthermore, CBD can even be eaten, taking it in the form of raw oil or as a herbal tea or coffee-based drink.

To conclude, the most used way to choose which CBD to take is certainly to use sublingual oil drops. They exist in various concentrations of active ingredient, ranging from 5 to 40%. The intake methods depend on the amount needed, over a period of time from morning to evening. They are placed directly under the tongue, where they must remain for a couple of seconds before being swallowed, to enter the blood circulation more directly.

CBD wholesale

CBD wholesale

CBD wholesale

In Italy with law n° 242 of 2016 the production of cannabis has been regulated. Thus opening a significant window for both sellers and buyers. What has been legalized is legal cannabis, or light hemp, which has a level of the psychoactive active ingredient, THC, of ​​less than 0.5%. CBD is the contract term for cannabidiol, a chemical extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant.

This plant today finds many applications in different types of products ranging from essential oils to foods. Therefore, it is legal to be able to find CBD wholesale as long as products that do not contain more than 0.5% of the psychoactive THC component.

What products contain legal CBD

The reason why there is great success in wholesale CBD is that it is a substance full of many properties. Here’s a quick list:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties. This is certainly one of its most famous features. CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory both on a general and topical level, so it should be applied to an area affected by a particular disorder.
  • Pain-relieving properties. These are also among its best-known properties. CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory both generally and topically. When applied to an area affected by a particular disorder, it contributes to the reduction of pain.
  • Anticonvulsant properties. Scientists have found that CBD is very effective in treating seizures as it reduces their duration and intensity.
  • Antidepressant properties. CBD can treat anxiety, stress and depression. Its use, in fact, affects the production of serotonin and other brain mechanisms that help restore good mood.

To these which are the main effects best known to the general public, medical studies also add other healing properties. Considering these, it is clear why CBD wholesale is quite widespread. Among these, CBD has antiemetic properties, capable of blocking nausea and vomiting. Antiseptic properties, i.e. disinfectants against bacteria. And, also, antipsychotic properties reducing some forms of mental distress.

How CBD is found on the market

As seen, CBD wholesale finds many uses, all legal and with purely curative purposes. In specialized shops, CBD can be found marketed in different forms. Among these, the most used are certainly:

  • CBD oil in which the cannabidiol extract is diluted in a carrier oil. It is usually sold in the Full Spectrum version, so called because it contains all the cannabinoids already present naturally in hemp. It is sold in different percentages of oil ranging from 5% of active ingredient to 30%.
  • CBD extract, one of the purest forms on the market. In this product the purity of the active ingredient reaches 98.5%.
  • CBD crystals, the product comes in the form of small snow-white spheres and has a purity of up to 99.8%.

The higher the concentration of active ingredient, the higher the cost of the product which can regularly be purchased both physically in-store and online.