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Can I grow CBD at home?

Growing hemp in Italy is illegal. Unless they are sativa variety plants, listed among those present in the European Seed Register, drawn up by the European Union. TheĀ varieties of sativa hemp permitted by law have very specific characteristics. The main one is that theĀ active ingredient of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)Ā present in the plant must be less than 0.6%.

Likewise, products derived from it must not contain THC higher than 0.2%. These are therefore the basic conditions for the question of whether I can grow CBD at home. If you grow a hemp plant with inflorescences containing THC higher than 0.5% you are committing a crime. According to the circular from the Ministry of the Interior dated 31 July 2018, in that case, narcotic substances are being cultivated to all intents and purposes. Therefore the cultivation of the plant is illegal.

What the Law says

The law establishes which varieties are permitted and defines the obligation to communicate the crop to the Carabinieri barracks or Forestry Corps to which one belongs. The communication is not used to obtain a specific permit, but allows the police to know the crops started in their territory and monitor their progress. To know if I can grow CBD at home you need to know that:

  • When growing hemp for personal purposes, that is, in your own home, you must pay attention to the variety of the plant. And the active ingredients contained within it. Otherwise you may risk becoming an offensive grower;
  • Cultivating hemp in Italy is offensive when narcotic substances can be obtained from the plants, even if they have not reached maturity.

This is because the legal good protected by the law is publicĀ health. Therefore, according to the law, the offensiveness of cultivation refers to theĀ botanical type of cannabisĀ in question. That is to say whether the plant has or does not have the qualities to be able to produce narcotic substances. So if you are still wondering if I can grow CBD at home we advise you to be very careful. The offensiveness of the cultivation occurs regardless of the extractable doses. It is sufficient that the plant contains doping active ingredients and can produce doping substances. Thus, the crime of cultivation of narcotic substances is triggered regardless of the quantity of active ingredient that can be obtained immediately. The conformity of the plant to the expected botanical type is sufficient to produce narcotic substances.

What sanctions and penalties are at risk

As an answer to the question of whether I can grow CBD at home we inform you about the criminal consequences of this practice. If you grow non-sativa cannabis, considered offensive to public health, you are punished with two types of penalties.

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