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Karyn Wagner creates an aphrodisiac strain: Sexxpot

Karyn Wagner spent a long time producing an aphrodisiac strain that would help increase every woman’s orgasmic experience. Known as Sexxpot, this cannabis was bred exclusively for its benefits of increased sexual pleasure in women.

What is Sexxpot?

The lady who developed this special strain of cannabis, Karyn Wagner, began her journey to discovered by Sexxpot when he had an amazing night of sex. As she tells the story, she and her partner had just taken a couple of hits and decided to make love. And it turned out to be some of the best sex she’d ever had. A light bulb went off in his head when he realized that he could get such an amazing sexual experience from this herb.

Then God knows how amazing it would be if he found a way to develop one plant only for his pleasure. It turned out to be a strain known as Mr. Nice’s Critical – known for its aphrodisiac qualities. And so she went ahead to create a strain suited to her sexual needs. He was going to separate the sexually stimulating parts of Mr. Nice and then refine them to create an effect more intense on her. Because Sexxpot improves orgasm and she succeeded. Its fruit, the Sexxpot, has a lot of new qualities in addition to those of its parent plant – Mr. Nice.

Taking Sexxpot helps enhance your senses and makes you more receptive to sexual activity. And this is a result of the THC levels in this aphrodisiac strain named Sexxpot.

Properties and characteristics of Sexxpot

Now, you might think that aphrodisiac strain Sexxpot‘s THC levels must be super high in order to provide such an amazing sexual experience. But strangely the answer is No! In fact, it has a very low THC content compared to the varieties on the market, with only 14% THC compared to the usual content of 18 – 20%.

So you might be wondering why you would lower the THC levels of a strain to create sexually potent cannabis. To all this, I say that: low THC levels increase sexual activity because a small dose of THC is enough to increase the senses and yet leaves room for its correct functioning. And so whatever you do in a calm, relaxed and uninhibited mind would be done well. And this is what Sexxpot does; it puts you in the best possible mindset to have good sex. It doesn’t leave you stuck and unable to function effectively. And that’s what makes this strain perfect for sex. The science of Sexxpot the Cannabis strain that was created to enhance female orgasm is only obtainable in the Bay Area. It is developed from its mother plant – Mr. Nice. And consequently, it is an aphrodisiac. This means that it is powerful enough to get you excited about having sex. But at the same time, it has been carefully designed so that it doesn’t inhibit your ability.

You will find that Sexxpot  has a strong skunky smell. When you smoke, it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. And before you know it, you start to feel a slight increase in sensitivity. And this is when you have sex with your partner.

How to get the Sexxpot?

Regarding its availability, Sexxpot can only be obtained in California. You might have this on hand if you happen to live in the Bay Area. And that type of service is made possible by a partnership between Wagner’s company and another cannabis company known as Lady Chatterley. Then all you have to do is contact Lady Chatterley to get Sexxpot.

This is a good collaboration as Lady Chatterley also focuses on female smokers. The partnership makes sense, especially since Lady Chatterley is aimed primarily at women who smoke. If you live in the Bay Area, you can contact Lady Chatterley directly. And then for those who don’t live in the Bay Area or California you might have a hard time finding Sexxpot.

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