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CBD and its properties

A study shows that using of traditional medicines decline among patients trying CBD. New and interesting collaborations on the cannabis industry front.

HELLO MD, the US community of 150,000 members with the aim of connecting patients, doctors, experts and companies on the topic of cannabis, and Brightfield Group, a research company serving organizations active in this same business. The result of this cooperation is an important study, based on the collection of data from 2,500 members of the group on the use of CBD for therapeutic purposes. The research sheds light on the composition of users and the consumption methods they favor.

What the CBD market offers

58% of consumers are women, who prefer to consume it through vaporizers or, alternatively, inhale its smoke or ingest its edible variants. 850 companies operating in the production of marijuana derivatives and the monthly expenditure incurred by consumers ranges from twenty to eighty dollars.

The most important data revealed, however, concerns the change in the type of therapies. It has in fact been shown how, after trying CBD, 42% abandoned traditional medicine in favor of the exclusive use of cannabidiol. This percentage is made up of patients suffering from the most disparate conditions: insomnia, depression, anxiety, joint pain and Crohn’s disease, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. 80% of those interviewed provide positive feedback in this regard and confirm the extreme effectiveness of CBD, praising its analgesic, inflammatory and relaxing properties, while 3% find it “ineffective or only partially effective”.



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